atelic nation yappers, rise. our time has come.
what can i say, i may have been born to yap...
i thought it'd be fun to have a lil community thing goin on with astelic studio. maybe somewhere down the line i'll make a new discord, but for now we're just keepin it to a silly little blog where i will yap about silly little things! i mainly wanted to make this to share more of the process behind a lot of the work that you'll see! to me, community is so so important. i love sharing ideas, i love seeing people's work, i love connecting together in creative ways!! i think it's so fun and cool, and if u agree then i guess you're in the right place!
obviously this week has been really really cool and exciting. the grand opening of my store !!! wowza. of course if you've been around for the whole journey, you'll know that this is actually the second time i've opened a website LOL. i had one back in february 2023 for a few months, before i decided to solely focus on etsy and closed it down. i don't think i was really in a position where i could be consistent with my marketing and all that since i was still in school at the time, and then went to study abroad in london the later half of the year. now i've graduated and i feel like i have so much time, yet still not enough to do all the things i want!! there's so many hobbies i wanna pursue, i don't know where to begin. but i suppose that could be a fun lil journey to pursue with you guys here!!
here's some behind the scenes pictures of the new dawn & dusk series!
fun lil story about the new dawn & dusk stuff! i actually had no plan at all to make new products for shop launch. i literally was just focused on a branding project for my shop (which took like 2-3 weeks omfg), and then i think on the 7th or 8th of november, i was like wow this is really dumb why am i having a whole shop launch with nothing new to show! not sure how i forgot that in my calculations.. but we made it happen!! i somehow conceptualized, and then handmade everything in 2-3 days. to be fair, there aren't that many new things, and all of them have super low stock, and it was literally constant work BUT i'm just happy i made it work. it just proves that if you really put your mind to it, you can do literaaalllyyy anythingggg!!! and no tears were shed either! be proud of me..
i still have so much i wanna yap about!!!! but for now, i'll leave it as just this. idk if people will read this, but if u do and u wanna leave a comment or any questions u have i think it would be super fun and awesome and cool. alright i will see u guys later bye byeee!!!
x, astelic
You’ve come so far! you’re gonna do great things!!
Astelic Gang <3
hi i’m testing how this works bc if people can comment that would be so fun and cool. okay test.